Home > Joys of a half-empty fridge

Joys of a half-empty fridge

June 17th, 2006 at 11:52 am

Our fridge is looking emptier and emptier lately, as a result of a slower shopping pace. If anyone looked in it day before yesterday, they'd think we were flat broke.

Yesterday morning I thought I'd get a head start on dinner and make up my salmon patty mixture. It was a pleasure to be able to actually fit the bowl in the fridge. There was still more room, and I still had time. So I made chocolate pudding and mixed up a pitcher of diet lemonade. Also hard-boiled the end of the eggs.

I like the idea of cooking from scratch and making things ahead, but rarely do it. And now I'm aware of one reason why. Trying to find ingredients in an over-stuffed fridge is hard. Trying to fit prepared foods into same is also hard. So I don't do it.

I'm going to make a conscious effort to get used to the look of a fridge with plenty of open space.

1 Responses to “Joys of a half-empty fridge”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    My fridge sounds alot like your 'before' picture!! It is a balancing act in process!

    Enjoy the new spaciousness! I am sure it will make this part of life so much simpler!!

    (Don't get it so spacious that you lose energy efficiency...otherwise, you defeat one purpose with another!!)

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