This seems to be my theme for the moment. Sorry I can't remember who, but someone else recently wrote about how things don't seem so difficult once they become a routine. It's so true.
There's the "utilitarian walking" thing. I feel funny about doing it, so I don't do it. If I'm going to do it, I'll just have to deal with feeling uncomfortable about it at first.
There's coloring my own hair. I haven't done it enough to make it routine. But millions of women do it; it shouldn't be that big a deal, once I get used to it.
There's the elections job. I've never done it before, and there's a lot to remember. I almost didn't call in to get my assignment because, well, because I'm a chicken! But I do want to try it, and it pays $200, so I'm going to push through the zone and do it.
There's the Suzuki test drive, where I'll have to go to the same pushy dealership I went six months ago for a previous test drive. For $50 I'll screw up my courage and give it a try.
I feel funny about shopping at Goodwill for clothes, and I dread the long drive. But I really ought to go, if I want to spend less on clothes this year.
The biggie is home improvement. I've kept putting off lots of stuff until we have the money to hire someone for this or that. But it doesn't look like we'll have much extra money for that for the forseeable future. Maybe it's time to move out of my comfort zone and try doing more things myself. I wonder if I can coat the driveway myself.
The only thing I have to fear, is fear itself.
Learning to leave my Comfort Zone
June 3rd, 2006 at 03:37 pm
June 3rd, 2006 at 03:55 pm 1149346533
In my experience, when I have a road block for some reason.........once I get past it, do the task........I then wonder WHY for heavens sake did it take me so long!!!
June 3rd, 2006 at 04:06 pm 1149347168
I struggle with that comfort zone too. Especially when trying new things. ...but it sounds like your are doing a great mental rev-up in preparation for that all-important first step! Good for you...YOU CAN DO IT! (and you will be happy you did, once you're done!!!)
June 4th, 2006 at 12:21 am 1149376913