Home > Whipsawed, but in a good way

Whipsawed, but in a good way

November 1st, 2008 at 03:21 pm

I hardly know where to begin. A few weeks ago, I was actually in tears because of money worries and now I'm trying to figure out how to divvy up a 45% increase in our cash flow. I just found out that my boss really went to bat for me, and got approval for me to go full-time with benefits! Not only is it more hours and free insurance, but also an increase in my hourly rate. Things sure can change fast, down or up.

I've been very worried about how we'd cope when DH's Cobra coverage ran out. That's a big part of the reason I went ahead and sold the rest of the ETFs I had in my IRA. I didn't want to raid the IRA to pay for health insurance, but I wanted to have the option if it came to that. If the stock market kept tanking, I couldn't be sure of how much I'd have available.

I've been trying really hard, running around to to buy things on sale, using coupons and rebates again, and had our freezer pretty well filled up.

One night DH got out some pizza and left the door open about an inch. In the morning, I heard it running like mad and discovered it. That's when I finally broke down and cried, fearing that all the food was ruined and money wasted. (We've been using the food up as fast as we can, with no ill effects so far.)

DH started looking for work, and finally signed up with a rather cheesy temp agency out of desperation. You can read about them here, and either be forewarned or just see how the bottom half lives:

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I even went so far as to tell my mother I couldn't chip in the tip anymore when she took us out for a meal. It was really embarrassing, but felt I had to do it.

She likes to get out to restaurants, but is housebound now and needs one of us to drive her. She pays for the meal, and we've been paying the tips. But what with gas prices, I didn't feel I could keep shelling out more money on tips than we could have made the whole meal for at home.

Now, amazingly, the tide seems to have turned. Instead of feeling stunned and unsure because of all the bad economic news, I'm now feeling stunned and unsure about how to handle this good fortune.

I really, really, don't want to blow it.

7 Responses to “Whipsawed, but in a good way”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Congratulations on the opportunity to turn thing around for yourself! Good luck with the job changes.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I am so glad that things are turning around for you.

  3. NJDebbie Says:

    I'm so happy that things have turned around for you. Best wishes and continued success.

  4. Blue Eyes Says:

    Glad to hear things are working out for you!

  5. Lylic Says:

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you!

  6. fern Says:

    That's great. Good for you!

  7. StressLess Says:

    Thanks, guys. I feel kind of like Broken Arrow in his stock gains post. With things falling apart for a lot of people, it's almost embarrassing to report good news. Hopefully things will turn around for everyone very soon. (I know you are hurting, Ima!)

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