Home > Neat Aldi Menus

Neat Aldi Menus

March 16th, 2006 at 04:51 pm

I was googling around this morning, trying to get some new inspiration for thrifty food shopping. I stumbled upon a neat website where someone has put together sets of fall/winter and spring/summer menus using only items that can be bought at Aldi's.

This is the page for the fall/winter menus.

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Go to page 2 for the shopping list, then the menus and recipes start. There's a link to the spring/summer menus in the first paragraph of page 1.

I found a few recipes I'd actually try, plus some good general ideas. Like cooking frozen ravioli in the crockpot right with the sauce. No more waiting for water to boil. Smile

Also, on another site, someone was talking about price books and said they base theirs on Aldi prices. Because it's not worth running to a sale unless a price is lower than you could get at Aldi's every day. Sounds like a good idea to me.

1 Responses to “Neat Aldi Menus”

  1. katwoman Says:

    Well, neat link. It is interesting. Especially when her version of steamed salmon means steaming it on the top rack of the dishwasher!

    I used to buy that 4 pack of salmon fillets for $3.99. Then I traded for seafood winetags and was able to buy individually packed fillets from Dominicks when they were on sale for $1. In the end, I only paid the tax.

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